Defining Fields of Type SET Within OpenAPI/Swagger
During a recent API design session, I came across a data type that should have taken three seconds to define, but ended up causing a little head scratching. And that task is — defining a SET data type within your Open API spec.
Seems easy enough right? And it is of course…but after several unhelpful Google queries later I still couldn’t quite get it right.
Now, I do realize I could have just made a new type or object specifically for this little data set.
summary: My Custom API
description: |
Gets a List of FooBar IDs
- application/json
- FooBar
description: successful operation
$ref: "#/definitions/MyCustomType"
type: object
type: ??? # list of string?
But that seemed like total overkill for what I needed, very verbose, and the data within would not quite live up to the name ‘object’. There just had to be a better way, right?? :).
For those who need a refresher, a `SET` is a kind of obscure little field type, found in MySQL, that is essentially an array of ENUM values. Say we have a SET field called “social_type”, with possible values of facebook twitter,
. That means “social_type” could a single value, like just facebook
or twitter
, just like your typical ENUM. However it could also be set to facebook, twitter
or twitter, instagram
or even all 3, facebook, twitter, instagram.
So a SET holds one or more possible ENUM values, or an ARRAY of enums. And that is exactly how we should define it in our spec.
type: array
- facebook
- pinterest
- tumblr
- twitter
- linkedin
uniqueItems: true
items: {}
I should point out the necessary uniqueItems
flag that was set to TRUE here, as a SET cannot have a repeated value.
Super easy. Hopefully it saved somebody a few min Googling, thanks for reading.